We spent Christmas Eve Eve with Matt's family. It was perfect. We had a big dinner and hung out with all the cousins. I couldn't have asked for a better or more loving in-law family. I feel truly spoiled by their love and warmth.
The hotel was amazing. It was gorgeous. The pools were the most beautiful shade of blue. The air was hot and the pools were cool. It was perfect. Every morning, Mom woke up early (as she does) and did amazing things for the rest of us. She managed to get us a cabana (or two, I mean there are six of us) and some chairs in the pool. Then I would meet her and we would go to breakfast. Later in the day, we went to water aerobics with Sarah (& Elias wooo). At some point the boys would show up and there was lunch. We spent the days reading, drinking in the pool, playing bingo at 4, playing chess after that. And being a family.
On Wednesday we went snorkeling and Sarah & Dan finished their scuba certification. We had a great time. We played in the water all day.
We come back for New Year's Day every year. The Reeses have a luncheon New Year's Day Afternoon. Matt's great Aunt Ann Louise hosts a wonderful party. This year we surprised her with an 80th birthday party. She had no idea! Donna & Gail organized and put together the party and collage of photos that we sent in. It was a good time. Then, as is tradition, we took the big family photos on the stairs.
Every year I am aware of how lucky I am. I have a fabulous family with a great sense of humor and love. We don't always get along, but we love each other beyond words. Even when we fight (which we did at least 4 times), we have a sense of supporting each other through our differences. So for the holidays, I am grateful for them, all of them. Mine and his.
You are so loving, which makes it so easy to be loving with and around you. I'm proud to be your Mom.