Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Thoughts in the Freezer

We are in the process of getting ready for Baby Girl. Duh! Current project on my mind (stomach) is cleaning out the freezer. We have lots of staples in there, but they still need to be cooked into something. And lots of times, that is not what we want at all. We want to take something out and cook it and move on. And when she gets here? We won't have real time to cook anything. At least me and my boobs won't.
Southern Living Fix It & Freeze It/Heat It & Eat It: A quick-cook guide to over 200 make-ahead dishes
So I found this cookbook from Southern Living. And I bought it. The reason? Because let's be honest, I don't need more cookbooks. The reason? It tells you how and when to freeze it as part of the recipe! Idiot proof!

So the plan? Spend the next few weeks testing recipes and making sure that we like the food before I freeze it. 

So far we have tried three recipes. All need to be modified for our tastes. But they are great starting points. I will share our recipes in the next few weeks.

So get hungry!

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