This is a really long post. But if you have the time, it is totally worth reading all the way to the end. It is a conversation between my brother, sister & I. I share some pretty awesome stuff right there near the beginning. But the conversation is great all the way to the end. And any questions you might have... they definitely asked. And the pics are at the bottom too.
Daniel: sweet
me: did that work?
Sarah: ooh, a group chat
me: oooooo
its the best we get
Sarah: how exciting!
Daniel: we should do this more often
Sarah: yes.
me: for true
Sarah: i like it even more with video though
me: so whats the plan for friday/saturday?
Daniel: I dunno
depends on work
me: boring
Daniel: if I am here past 9
6:10 PM I;'ll get a car to take me Stamford
Sarah: fancy
me: ok
Sarah: we're having lunch at darien social on saturday
me: very fancy
Sarah: i want a burger
me: yum
i want lobster mac n cheese
Sarah: then some of us will shop
i can make that happen monday
me: and saturda
Sarah: oh, yes, you can have it twice!
6:11 PM me: twice twice twice!!!!
Daniel: so what time is dinner
me: on saturyda? 7pm
Sarah: on friday? when i get there
so probably around 8
Daniel: word
so I doubt I make friday dinner
but saturday dinner
6:12 PM I can make
Sarah: hey, did you find a friend to bring?
Daniel: so you're trying to shop from 2-7?
thats so much shopping
me: probably more 2-6
Sarah: no, we'll go to the hotel and change clothes and get pretty and stuff
me: and then hotel and change for dinner
Sarah: maybe nap
me: oh i love naps
i have been napping so much this summer
Daniel: eff you
me: you dont mean that
Sarah: yeah, seriously. gloating is not attractive
6:13 PM me: im not napping for olympic gold
Sarah: lol
me: its hard making a baby
Daniel: does napping make a baby?
Sarah: i don't know what to say to that
Daniel: I think I've found the problem
Sarah: or does that mean something?
Daniel: thats not how you do it deb
Sarah: lol
me: nope, napping is the response to having a kidney bean living in my belly
6:14 PM Daniel: wAIT!?
Sarah: i'm sorry
Daniel: ?412?213?213
me: by saturday it will be the size of a grape
Daniel: ''/?%!2/
I was going to wait until I saw you but I couldnt keep it to myself
6:15 PM Sarah: this is the most exciting ever
me: thanks!
6:16 PM does mom know? when did you find out? due date? how do you feel?
me: this is why i wanted to vdieo chat this week
Sarah: yeah!
6:17 PM information please!
do you think daniel fainted
me: no he did the same thing you did
Sarah: lolol
me: only he had to run outside
so you got through first
Sarah: haha
6:18 PM me: so we found out the saturday right before peter and roxanne's bridal shower
Sarah: thats a LONG time ago!
Daniel: AHHH
me: when mom was down to visit
and i didn't tell her either
Sarah: good. i don't like it when EVERYONE keeps secrets
me: we didn't tell anyone until we went to the doctor
Sarah: smart.
Daniel: which was?
me: we went to the doctor on Aug. 1
6:19 PM and we have a good sized baby
Sarah: does it already have a reese head?
me: right on track for being awesome!
Daniel: when was their bridal shower?
me: not yet
Sarah: july 8
me: july 8/9
Daniel: ooo
a march baby
Sarah: yes, march?
6:20 PM me: so i will be at 9 weeks on saturday
Daniel: HUGE!
me: and baby reese is due right before passover
Daniel: ahhh
Sarah: so right around matts birthday?
me: march 16
Sarah: perfect!
me: matt is april 18
Sarah: just enough time between
Daniel: yeah what a good time
6:21 PM Sarah: so who knows?
me: well you two now
Daniel: :)
Sarah: :-D
me: mom & dad found out last Thursday
Daniel: phil mom dad linda?
me: yup
Daniel: and this is a secret?
me: colleen & ken
and yes this is a secret
Daniel: oh man
Sarah: can alex know on saturday? it'll be hard not to be excited!
me: and no facebook
Daniel: obv
me: yes alex can know
Daniel: can andy?
Sarah: ok, thanks!
is andy coming?
Daniel: can we each get a friend?
Sarah: lol
Daniel: not unless we can get the maccabi games cancelled
its either laura or jay or no one
6:23 PM Sarah: ok
just curious
me: yes you can each have a friend
but i get to approve said friend
Daniel: well whoever is coming this weekend if its laura or jay
Sarah: call in a bomb threat, then the games would get cancelled
me: i told mom she could tell pam
Daniel: jay is great at keeping secrets
me: hahaha
thats fine
Daniel: and knows no one close to the sitch
Sarah: this is too exciting!
Daniel: yeah
me: YAY!
Daniel: there goes me concentrating on work fo rlike 2 hours
Sarah: are you having any pregnancy funniest?
Daniel: I've got so many things to do
6:24 PM Sarah: funny things?
me: my farts are very loud
Daniel: hahahahaa
Sarah: i knew that
Daniel: two fart
in one
Sarah: hahahaha
Daniel: not twins right?
me: and wehn i see something i want to eat, i focus on it until i get it
it took me 5 days but i got my milkshake
Daniel: hahaha
Sarah: hahaha
Daniel: phew
me: only one heartbeat
Sarah: don't they hide sometimes?
me: you should have seen matt at the drs.
Daniel: what are you guys planning on knowing?
me: that was the first thing he asked
Sarah: haha
6:25 PM me: everything?
Sarah: one is enough
we get to know boy or girl ahead of time?
so i can shop?!?!?!?
me: of course
but not until novemberish
Sarah: ok, fine
i can buy baby reese chanukah presents!!!!!
Daniel: if its a boy can it be named Flynn?
get it!?
6:26 PM Sarah: that is not a jewish name
Daniel: oh
I gotta do that
me: i dont get it
Daniel: don't name it flynn
thats mine
Sarah: he meant flynn stone
me: hahaha okay...
Sarah: dummy
Daniel: fucking patriarchy
me: hahahahahahaha
Sarah: like flintstone
me: thats funny
Sarah: i'm sure you can find something good for reese dan
Daniel: yeah I'ma work on it
Sarah: good
6:27 PM Daniel: did you already rule out star trek names?
me: UH YES
Sarah: lol
me: we arent even talking names yet
Sarah: what are you talking about at this point?
me: how bad my farts smell
Sarah: that is important!
6:28 PM me: how much i am napping
Daniel: so you can like tell
that something is growing in your
right now
me: we arent telling people until rosh hashanah
Daniel: that shit isn't sneaking up on you?
me: no, i dont look pregs
6:29 PM Daniel: Pretend I know nothing about this
Sarah: ok
me: yup
im having problems pooping
Daniel: thats how you knew?
me: no i knew when i peed on a stick
6:30 PM Daniel: ohh
makes sense
Sarah: what made you want to pee on the stick though?
Daniel: a birch stick?
me: i hadnt gotten my period yet
Sarah: or are you just in the habit of peeing on sticks?
me: it wasnt late yet
Sarah: if it wans't late, why did you pee on the stick?
6:31 PM me: bones said it was fun
Daniel: haha
Sarah: total side note: did you think stanley tucci was gay?
Daniel: and you always do what bones says
total side note
does anyone know who that is
me: yup
Daniel: don't get distracted
me: who?
6:32 PM Sarah: yup you know who he is, or yup you thought he was gay
me: oh yea
Daniel: ughhh this is so hard
I want to tell everyone
Sarah: i know@
Daniel: all the peoples
me: was there ever any doubt that he was gay?
Sarah: i have a staff meeting tomorrow morning, and i so want to be like "my positive is that i'm going to be an aunt!"
he's not gay! he just married emily blunt's sister
he's in-laws with john krasinski now!
me: what would have been better? not telling you so you don't have to keep the secret, or telling you and making you keep it a secret
Daniel: emily blunt!
I know her
6:33 PM Sarah: TELLING
Daniel: obv this way
I was expecting to find out via the blog
so I can stop reading that
Sarah: haha
i like the blog!
me: hahaha
Daniel: I got a shout out this time though
Sarah: if you had said it on the blog i would have maimed you
Daniel: so you've assuaged my ego
me: i have a long post about the past month and not telling people
there is no way i wouldnt have told you myself
you were going to hear it from me - end of story
6:34 PM Daniel: I knew Sarah was
Sarah: cause i'm awesome and scary
Daniel: I'm the irresponsible one
no this is awesome
thank you for telling us
and congratulations
and all the mazals
me: thamks
Daniel: and I'm so proud of you
and happy for you
and this is going to be fun on a bun
me: oh yea
6:35 PM Daniel: I'll start saving
me: so plan on passover happening here next year
Daniel: for the paint ball gun
Daniel: and the bongs
thats what you get kids right?
me: because mom and dad already said that was going to happen
Sarah: i keep thinking of all the cuteness!!!
and fat babies
Daniel: no I'm going to be such a good uncle
with big ole head
Sarah: oh no!
i might be in THAILAND when this baby is born
i want to be near the BABY
6:36 PM Daniel: yeah I'm goign to be in DC right?
thats where I am when this baby is born
me: you can be wherever you want to be
Sarah: if i'm in the country i want to come!
me: and no worries sarah - babies don't remember crap
Sarah: so? i want to MEET THE BABY
me: if you are able to go to thailand - YOU HAVE TO GO
Daniel: yeah
that's also true
Sarah: dude, i'm still going to thailand, i'm not nutes
me: I will save the baby for you, and keep it safe until you get home
6:37 PM Daniel: but I have a shit job
I want to be with babytime
Sarah: you better
let's quit our jobs so we can stare at deb's belly until it pops
me: :)
Daniel: I would've done it for less
Sarah: so are we calling it baby reese?
Daniel: I'm calling it Optimus
Sarah: or can we can it something cool?
dan, come up with something cool
Daniel: Project Stevadore
6:38 PM me: hahaha
Sarah: let's call it the flux capacitor
me: I like Optimus
Daniel: I can come home this weekend with 60 things
Sarah: we'll have a board meeting and vote
Daniel: especially if we're looking for anagrams
Sarah: matt can officially join the board
me: yea!
lucky for him
Daniel: 3/5 compromise
Sarah: we'll have to vote on a position for him
6:39 PM Daniel: he can have 3/5
the extra fifth for the head
Sarah: ?
me: sorry guys - i am officially two votes now
Daniel: that he contributed to optimus
Sarah: no. the baby does not get a vote on the board.
me: bullshit
Daniel: matt's his proxy
me: bullshit again
Daniel: its?
Sarah: that's ok - only if matt doesnt get a vote
me: ok
Daniel: haha
6:40 PM Sarah: i'm calling jewish law: actual lives only
not potential ones
Daniel: boom
Sarah: jewish lawyered
Daniel: and I'm goign to use the next 8 months to consolidate power
or wife up
Sarah: how would you consolidate power?
Daniel: I dunno
me: optimus is saving a gross shit for you in 9 months
Daniel: just
me: 7 months
Daniel: sleep with 2 eyes open
Sarah: :-)
Daniel: B-)
6:41 PM thats the terminator
in case you were wondering
me: nice
Sarah: good to know
Daniel: so no drinking this weekend?
when does that start?
Sarah: she hasn't been drinking for a while
Daniel: boring
is matt being supportive?
Sarah: she's fun anway, promise
Daniel: by not drinking?
I'm going full jewish on this weekend
me: i havent had anything since july4th
6:42 PM Daniel: so many mazals
me: yea, matt lets me sleep all day
and he made me mac n cheese for 2nd dinner
Daniel: serious rule
no hitting me
me: true
Daniel: because I will retaliate
because I'm dumb
me: no hitting my belly and were good
Daniel: until you get big
Sarah: yeah, hands off policy in place for a while
Daniel: then
me: hahaha
Daniel: you can hit me
Sarah: cause i poke
Daniel: because you'll be fat
6:43 PM boom
me: thanks
Sarah: are you trying to make boom a thing?
cause it isn't
Daniel: its always been a thing
6:44 PM I learned it from Jon Stewart
he's the best
its a thing
Sarah: deb and i are not trying to be jon stewart
me: nope
6:46 PM im pregs
Daniel: but
me: ?
Daniel: do I have to do anything
about that
you being pregnant
me: for the baby? or jon?
Daniel: like a baby shower
Sarah: i think you're off the hook
Daniel: or do I just get like drunk at things
Sarah: baby shower comes once she tells people
Daniel: like the wedding
me: no you have a penis - you have no responsibility
Daniel: amazing
Sarah: on the other hand, i'm gonna have to do stuff
Daniel: I will celebrate for Deb
me: im sure there will be a baby shower up tehre
Daniel: two drinks for me
6:47 PM me: someone needs to be drinking for me
Sarah: someday i'm going to make you throw a big party for me in return
me: all im drinking is caffeine free
Daniel: Matt and I are on it
me: done!
Sarah: not for a while though
me: ok
Sarah: big parties are a lot of work for me
Daniel: dude
me: now you understand why i said i would drive to and from the hotel to the casino right?
Daniel: being pregnant is like being mormon but also the farting
me: hahaha
im keeping that line
6:48 PM Daniel: no I don't get it/
are pregnant people also not allowed to drive?
I was wrong
its like being Amish
Sarah: he gets the line, he's trying to be jon stewart!
also, mormon is more accurate than amish
she can drive
Daniel: oh you would
not wouldn't
6:49 PM me: yes
Sarah: a text i got today: friendship must be build on a solid foundation of alcohol, sarcasm, inappropriateness, and shenanigans
me: nice tet
6:54 PM text
Sarah: right?
followed by: our friendship is awesome.
i love my friends
me: love
Daniel: are we doing ties and shit for saturday?
Sarah: no, jeans
nice shirt
Daniel: the whole nine yards?
me: matt likes cigars
Daniel: I'ma wear a tie
Sarah: you can cigar if you want though
have fun
Daniel: and nice pants
because I can't forget them at home again
Sarah: i'm going to wear jeans
me: i like jeans
7:01 PM Daniel: I've literally got 3 pairs of pants
that I can wear to work
Sarah: you should come shopping and buy pants
that's not enough pants
me: pants pants pants
Sarah: though, as of this moment, i have two
one capri length, one long
the capri length one doesnt even fit either
so i'll shut up
7:02 PM me: i have lots of clothing that will never fit again
Sarah: i'm soryr?
are your boobs bigger?!?
me: not yet
just tender
Sarah: hahaha you'll have to wear a bra every day for forever just like me!
me: jerk
7:03 PM Sarah: i have to take my kicks where i can get them dude
me: true
Sarah: its hard keeping up with you guys
i'm hungry
me: i ate twice while typing with you
Sarah: nice
7:04 PM i'm gonna heat up dinner
me: cheerios and then mac n chese
what are you having
Sarah: leftover seafood fried rice
it has lobster and shrimps
me: yum
i can eat that
7:05 PM but i can't eat some fish
its weird
Sarah: what fish can you not eat?
Daniel: which fish?
no sushi?
7:06 PM me: no raw sushi
Daniel: yeah thats why I want to go shopping
work clothes
but at the same time
4 hours
feels like a lot of shopping
Sarah: bring a book and get a snack
4 hours is wayyy too long
me: talk to matt and see if he will stick around for a little while with you
Daniel: can we knock me out of the way?
me: its only like 20 min from mohegan - you could get a taxi
7:07 PM Daniel: we can do some sarah
then some me\
then me and matt leave?
Sarah: yes
Daniel: perhaps
Sarah: but i get to go first
Daniel: yeah especially cause deb's going to get a lot of attention at dinner
Sarah: yeah she is
Daniel: what a bitch
7:08 PM me: i talked to mom for a long time about that
Daniel: going and getting knocked up right before your party
me: about how i didn't want to steal sarahs bday thunder
Sarah: lol
me: and how maybe i wouldnt tell you guys until sunday morning and breakfast
Daniel: I would've stabbed you
Sarah: i would have fucking killed you
Daniel: but like ankle stab
me: hahaha
Daniel: baby lives
Sarah: true
Daniel: I need it
me: oh thank goodness
Sarah: i would have maimed for optimus's sake
7:09 PM me: oh well then phew, im glad i spilled the beans
Sarah: me too!!!!!!
but wait, what can't you eat?
Daniel: I'm sure it'll be old hat by entrees
and then by deserts I'll be wasted
me: i wont eat foods that have been sitting out
7:10 PM large fish
Sarah: i'm glad you have a plan dan
me: nice dan
in 7 months I have to be responsible and cool
thank god I don't have ovaries
Sarah: i'm gonna say it: i want to be over informed about EVERYTHING about optimus
7:13 PM me: ok
Sarah: i want to kkknnnooooooowwwwwww
Daniel: I keep trying to work
me: well right now Optimus has a heartbeat - it was 157 last week - nice and strong.
Daniel: and its just not happening
me: and Opti has webbed feet and hands like a duck
Sarah: get over it dan
me: and eyes
and eyelids
Sarah: fingernails? juno said babies have fingernails
me: and this is the last week it will look like a tadpole
not yet
7:14 PM me: YES!
Sarah: ahhhhhh i'm going to lose my shit!!!!
Daniel: yeah
this is going to be nuts
Daniel: yeah
I'm pretty fucking amped
I feel like I've worked so long and hard for this
a decade of work
me: and a little nose
Daniel: trying to convince you to make me an uncle
7:15 PM Sarah: yeah, dan really put in the hours on this
me: hahahaha so true!
Sarah: it was selfish of you to make him wait so long deb
me: i know i cant believe it
i am such a bitch
Sarah: i blame matt
deb, you are absolved as the carrier of optimus
me: Opti has an appendix and pancrease
Sarah: you don't actually need an appendix you know
7:16 PM stop growing it
waste of energy
that's why you need all the naps
you can skip the tonsils and gallbladder too
me: so true
Daniel: yeah
Sarah: they're nothing but trouble
me: next week Opti will decide to be a boy or girl
Sarah: while you're at it, wisdom teeth ain't no thang
7:17 PM me: but we wont know until Thanksgiving
true again
Daniel: and pancreas's are the benedict arnold of organs
fuck that shit
Sarah: you don't need that one?
i think you might
Daniel: you don
me: really?
Daniel: oh
thats gallbladders
7:18 PM Sarah: seriously?
me: noce
Daniel: which ever one was betraying sarah from within for 15 years
me: nice
Daniel: that one
benedict organ
Sarah: gallbladder
me: i have a friend who just got rid of his recently
Sarah: its a stupid organ
nothing but trouble
he's happier without it, isnt he?
7:19 PM me: yyup
i dont think ive built that one yet
Sarah: skip it!
Daniel: yeah I don't trust it
Sarah: send optimus a memo
Daniel: make it prove its loyalty
me: ooooo
Daniel: tell it your pregnant
and see if it tells anyone
me: harsh for a little guy
7:20 PM Sarah: not a good test
my gallbladder was great at keeping secret
for example, it kept the fact that it was the asshole fucking me up a secret for 15 years
me: ouch
Sarah: yeah, right?
7:21 PM me: bullshit
Sarah: so what else do we get to know about babyland?
there MUST be more!
me: when i sleep at night, i dream the whole time
i had a dream it was twins, last night i had a dream about being in a boat
7:22 PM Sarah: was it a nice boat?
me: thats why i nap, its the only time i sleep alone
nope - a row boat with mom and matt
and 3 oars
imagine how badly that was going to work out
Sarah: at least you all got your own
me: yea
7:23 PM Sarah: you're not much for sharing
me: what?
im sharing everyhtinng i know
Daniel: sharing oars
Sarah: no, like sharing stuff
Daniel: I read that as a dream about being a boat
much more exciting
Sarah: lol
7:24 PM true
step up the dreams deb
me: lol
the rest have been better
but i cant remember all of them
Daniel: wait when do you start getting maternity??
Sarah: well if you dream all the time, that's a lot of dreams
7:25 PM me: maternity?
Sarah: will you have to go back at the end of the year, or is march late enough that you're out through til september?
me: ill go back for the last 4 weeks
Daniel: no I mean when do you start with that?
its not right when the baby comes is it?
me: yea it is unless i get put on bedrest
Daniel: thats bullshit
me: yea
7:26 PM im due right before spring break
Sarah: you're gonna be eighty years preggers and teaching
that's harsh
me: yea
ill be teaching from a chair
7:27 PM Daniel: haha
Sarah: for sure
me: and so grumpy
and so fat
Sarah: you're gonna make kids cry
right before spring break
7:28 PM they'll be so excited for break
me: ph yea
for sure
and for me not coming back after break
Daniel: haha I'm excited for it@!
Sarah: lol
Daniel: dude before law school I'm going to come and live with you
and play with the baby
7:29 PM and see what babies do
when they're babies
me: ok
you can sleep in the babies room on the twin bed and not sleep
Sarah: who's in the guest room?
7:30 PM or is it just baby room and office now?
will you do the stupid thing where you take a picture of your belly in the same outfit every week please?
me: yup
of course
we are spending tomrorow switching the two spare rooms
7:31 PM the guest room will be the baby room with the twin bed
and the little room with have the queen bed
Sarah: ok
and nothing else
me: otherwise we have to get rid of the twin bed
Sarah: fair enough
oops, xena needs to go out
i'll be back in 10-15 minu`
7:32 PM me: l
7:35 PM dan dan dan
you still there
Daniel: yeah
me: hi
Daniel: I started finishing up my work
7:36 PM it was incredible
me: oh sorry
Daniel: haha no worries
I think I'm almost out of here
and then we can hang out
even get mom on maybe
me: ooooooo
she was so angry at me when i told her not tel tell you guys
7:37 PM Daniel: hahah
me: and she was with sarah last weekend and didnt know how she was going to make it through
Daniel: did she think you weren't going to tell
how'd she do/
me: she survived
and didnt tell
7:38 PM Daniel: haha
me: yea
very impressed
ok get your work done
Daniel: yeah I'll be home in like a half hour max
7:39 PM me: nice
7:40 PM Daniel: oh also
no melanoma
me: YAY!! oh good!!!!
7:41 PM Daniel: this is also
Daniel: :-D
I'm so happy
7:43 PM you guys are going to be such good parents
me: thanks!
Daniel: I was actually talking about it with someone today
me: really?
Daniel: yeah
a coworker
she and I were talking
and she asked about my family
and I was describing you and matt
7:44 PM and how you guys are a great couple
me: thats really sweet
Daniel: and how you're going to be great paretns
but you were taking your time
though I couldn't give you shit for that anymore because you were trying
me: well theres no backsies once you get knocked up
Daniel: hahah
Sarah: wow
that was a lot to process
Daniel: haha
me: yea
my bad
7:46 PM i couldnt get you two togehtter without it being sarahs bday dinner
Sarah: thats ok
7:47 PM Daniel: no this is good
I gotta record my diaries
and then I'ma go home
me: yay!
Sarah: hurrah!
Daniel: and I'll call mom and tell her to get to her computer
7:48 PM and we can do this right
me: i like it
i think they went out for dinner
Daniel: whatever
if I tell her we're gchatting
dinner might end
me: true
7:49 PM Sarah: this is excellent
hopefully the video will be working again
me: yay!
7:50 PM Sarah: also, i need to shower
and deal with my hair
staff meeting tomorrow, i try to look like a person
me: ok so lets break and regroup in a little bit
Sarah: ok
me: showered and home
i will stay right here on the couch
Sarah: i'll stay visible so we can do this up right
7:51 PM me: and you two can come back to me
sounds good
Sarah: ok, bye!
Sarah has left
Daniel: word
7:52 PM byee
me: byee come back when you get home
7:53 PM Daniel: will do
me: yay
So there you have it. Almost 2 full hours of talking about the baby.
Currently I am 13w 4d. And I am starting to show a very little bit. More info and baby pictures tomorrow.