We have been on Spring break for 10 days! Hallelujah! No one loves a school break more than the teachers. Seriously. You have your teenager to deal with, and the friends. We have an average of 150. And we see them EVERY DAY. All 150. Not just your kid and maybe a best friend. All of them. And they smell. But I digress. I don't have any interest in talking about the stinky kids. After all, I have to see (and smell) them again in two days. Oh how sad.
So 10 days. Spring Break. Lots of stuff happened around here. Well, around us. So from the beginning. For the first time (that I can remember) our grades were due the day before break started. Which means that if you get your work done early you have an extra day off. We have one day at the end of every quarter to make sure our paperwork is done. And if you finish early, then stay home on the work day. So I did! And to be honest, I don't have any clue what we did that day. At all. None. Nope. Nada.
Wait, this was supposed to be the overview post! So just the highlights! FOCUS!
So first. Matt did some work to the backyard. A new patio off the deck. A new set of stairs (that he is finishing right now). And a DIY jewelry rack for me!
Then, the lovely Tricia came to visit! Well, she had a wedding and stayed with us. And then we played hooky on Monday in DC. Who doesn't love going to the zoo when everyone else has to go to work?
On Thursday, we went up to Groton Ct to see another submarine. And then to Mohegan Sun to gamble. Because we could. I won money, and Matt broke even. Wonderful!
Friday, we finished getting ready for Passover. And had a wonderful last meal of pizza. There were about 25 people over for the first Seder. For the first time in a long time we didn't play games. Growing up, my mother (the genius) made a lot of changes to the traditional Passover Seder. But I am going to do a separate post on this too. Look back for it. After the Seder, my siblings and I stayed up very late hanging out. It was one of my favorite moments of the whole week.
Saturday I went to get a manicure with my Mom and sister. Then had lunch. My best friend of all time came in Saturday morning to have Seder with her family that night. And since we were on our way home (as soon as lunch was over) Janna and folks came over and we had a huge lunch together. Then we drove back to Maryland. The dogs slept the whole time. And they cuddled.
Sunday. Today. Easter. We woke up early and drove up to Linda's for Easter. Then back to her house for brunch. It was nice to wind down this week with Matt's family.
So Spring break. We did it. We have one day left. I will be spending it here and quilting. Love you.
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